Friday, September 5, 2008

Reviews: September 4, 2008 (Part 1)

Supergirl 33
Now this was nice. It's about time they portrayed Kara as a normal person. The way she trashed Clayface was just lovely. I mean, who doesn't enjoy hearing a supervillian whimper? It reminded me of this.

I think it's nice that she forgave Empress. She's finally really acting like a hero. And the others are seeing her that way, too. "Because she's Supergirl." And shouldn't that be how it is?

Trinity 14
So What Now?
Okay, so the Crime Syndicate is on the Antimatter Earth. So who's on Earth-3? Is Earth-3 the Antimatter Earth? Grrr...

So Superman gets marked. Now all three of them have. But damn, on his forehead? "That's gonna leave a mark", as they say. I'm glad that Vixen, at least, got that they were all acting like each other. And I have to say that Enigma is shaping up to be the most interesting character in this whole series. My guess last week that he's the Eddie Nigma of the Syndicate's Earth hasn't been confirmed yet, but the way he charged in all white knight makes me think it even more.

--Let the Burning Begin
So... it's nice to see Geo-Force looking better after trying to slice his own throat with a sword over in DCU: Last Will and Testament. Oh, right, I forgot. None of DC's comics have anything to do with any other DC comics any more.

They throw a human sun into the Sun. And "Supergirl barely shields us in time". With what? A teenaged girl shields Rex Mason, Brion Markov and Carter Hall? Three strapping dudes? I mean, the Silver and Bronze Age Superman (and maybe Supergirl) would have used their capes. But I don't think Supergirl's costumes are indestructable any more, let alone infinitely stretchable.

I'd talk more about the story, but there wasn't much of one.

Angel: After the Fall 12

Gawd, I've missed her. But... but... she's only back to make Angel's final death easier on him? And Angel's willing to go... why? Because Wesley gave him a vision of Angelus destroying everything? Honestly, I'm not sure I understood what was happening here.

Buffy Season Eight 18
Ah, yes, teenybopper centaur porn. What could be better?

When I read Fray, I wondered what happened to all the Slayers. I mean, I think Joss wrote it before all the potentials became actual Slayers, but I figured there had to be a way to make it fit. Buffy is really freaked out to find out that it was all, seemingly, for nothing. I would be, too.

Willow watches BSG! "Frak," she says. Twice. And if Kennedy is "Ken-doll", does that make Willow "Barbie"? "New, from Mattel. It's Dark Barbie! Watch her eyes turn black as she decides to destroy the world. Comes with one yellow crayon."

"Ridden hard and put away wet." ICK! But it's a Forestal. Straight from Garroting Deep, it's Cairroil Wildwood. Or Lorelahn, as he's called here. Cool... but we didn't see enough of him. I imagine he'll be back next issue.

So... is Future-Dark-Barbie-Willow-Madwoman a good guy or a bad guy? She wants Fray to kill Buffy, but she seems to have some good reasons. Maybe. Argh, cliffhangers irk me.

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